Ways to Help Your Child Through Divorce

Divorce can be a challenging time for any family. When children are involved, divorce can be even more challenging and lead to long lasting emotional effects on the children. Although not all emotional distress from divorce can be avoided, there are some ways to make it easier for yourself but also for the children involved. Here are some ways to help a child through divorce and make the process overall easier for the family.

  1. Uncontested Divorce 

If you have decided that divorce is the best option, strive for an Uncontested divorce.
Uncontested divorce is basically a divorce with no conflicts or issues. Issues and matters are worked out prior and agreed upon by both parties. This creates a “quick” and less pricey process. This route allows your family to avoid any excess tension, animosity, and drawn-out proceedings which is ultimately better for you, your ex-spouse, and any children involved.

The uncontested process also allows for more privacy. Divorce proceedings are public record as well as any information that is a part of the proceedings. Less information is filed to the court, therefore less on public record.

  1. Emotional Support Through Family Discussions

Uncontested or contested, children need emotional support. Honest family conversations or family therapy, if a mediator is needed, show that regardless of you as parents breaking up, the family can still be a family. It is important that the child knows that the divorce is not their fault. Be sure to acknowledge the child’s feelings about the divorce as they are valid. Tailor answers to the “why” and “how” questions to the child’s age and emotional development level.

Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst

However, keep in mind to preserve the child’s innocence and mental health! They do not need to know every single detail of the divorce and reasons behind it. Remain mature and try not to include the children in any picking of sides or defamation of the ex-spouse.

  1. Maintain a sense of normalcy and discuss next steps

Discuss what comes next and what the future will look like moving forward. It’s best to try to continue a sense of normalcy or routine for the children. If they have a set schedule of schooling and extra curricular activities, coordinate with your ex-spouse, family, or friends to try your best not to disrupt those constants in your child’s life.

  1. Take care of YOU!

Protect your mental health. A strong you can be strong for your children. If you neglect your own emotional needs, it can ultimately be detrimental to your health and your children.

For more information on how to protect and support your child emotionally through divorce check out kidshealth.org https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/help-child-divorce.html.

For assistance with moving forward with an uncontested divorce in the metro Jackson, Mississippi area contact The Wade Law Firm today!


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